Design Guide for Sustainable and Healthy City Experiences™



  1. A City is Not a Tree
  2. A Man Called Ove (movie)
  3. A Man Called Otto (movie)
  4. A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction
  5. A Playful Production Process For Game Designers (and Everyone)
  6. Accidental City: The Transformation of Toronto
  7. Achievement: Illustrated Edition
  8. Achievement Relocked: Loss Aversion and Game Design
  9. Actions of Hitachi-UTokyo Laboratory toward Realizing Next-generation Smart Cities (Figure 2)
  10. ADKAR: A Model for Change in Business, Government and our Community
  11. AI Ethics
  12. An Introduction to Data: Everything You Need to Know About AI, Big Data and Data Science
  13. Art of Building Cities: City Building According to Its Artistic Fundamentals
  14. Bellevue Essentials (City of Bellevue, WA, USA)
  15. Bellevue Timeline: The Story of Washington's Leading-Edge City from Homesteads to High Rise
  16. Big Data for a Sustainable Smart City
  17. Boomburbs
  18. Brass Birmingham (board game)
  19. Building Suburbia: Green Fields and Urban Growth, 1820-2000
  20. Bullitt Center Tour Produced by the UW IDL (video)
  21. Cascadia (game)
  22. Cascadia Innovation Corridor
  23. Catherine: Cities of the Tsarina (board game)
  24. Cities for People (Jan Gehl)
  25. Citizens in the 'Smart City': Participation, Co-production, Governance
  26. City Life
  27. City & Soul (James Hillman)
  28. City of Bellevue Open Data
  29. City of Portland Privacy and Information Protection Principles
  30. City of San Jose speaks Smart Cities
  31. Clinic: Deluxe Edition (board game)
  32. Co-creating Digital Public Services for an Ageing Society
  33. Community: A Human Becoming Perspective
  34. Connected Strategy: Building Continuous Customer Relationships for Competitive Advantage
  35. Culdesac
  36. Curious Cargo (board game)
  37. Data Literacy: Achieving Higher Productivity for Citizens, Knowledge Workers, and Organizations 
  38. Dear Data
  39. Decision Analytics for Sustainable Development in Smart Society 5.0
  40. Design-Build, Integrating Craft, Service and Research through Applied Academic and Practice Models (Winterbottom)
  41. Design Thinking Process & Methods, 5th edition
  42. Designing Creative Communities
  43. Designing for Play
  44. Dialogic Organization Development: The Theory and Practice of Transformational Change
  45. Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming
  46. Dutch Cycling Embassy
  47. Education for Sustainable Development Goals: learning objectives
  48. Elements of Game Design
  49. Eltis City Database
  50. Emerging Radiance: Honoring the Nikkei Farmers of Bellevue, WA
  51. Engineering a Safer World: Systems Thinking Applied to Safety
  52. Engineering Intelligent Systems (Brown)
  53. Envisioning Information
  54. Ethics in the AI, Technology, and Information Age
  55. Filthy New York (video)
  56. Free-to-Play: Mobile Video Games, Bias, and Norms
  57. Future City Competition
  58. Future School (City of Vancouver, BC)
  59. Good Charts: The HBR Guide to Making Smarter, More Persuasive Data Visualizations
  60. Game Design Workshop, 4th edition
  61. Good Services: How to design services that work
  62. Green Cities: Urban Growth and the Environment
  63. Greeneum (web3 platform for Net-Zero carbon emissions)
  64. Handbook of Game-Based Learning
  65. Handbook of Sustainable Transport
  66. Happy City: Transforming Our Lives Through Urban Design
  67. How to Create Smart Villages: Open Innovation Solutions for Emerging Markets
  68. How Pac-Man Eats
  69. How to Design Programs, second edition
  70. How to Kill a City: Gentrification, Inequality, and the Fight for the Neighborhood
  71. How to Kill a City: Gentrification, Inequality, and the Fight for the Neighborhood (Reprint; UW Bookstore)
  72. How to Study Public Life (Gehl & Svarre)
  73. Housing First
  74. Human + Machine: Reimagining Work in the Age of AI
  75. Human Transit Blog
  76. Human Transit: How Clearer Thinking about Public Transit Can Enrich Our Communities and Our Lives
  77. Hungry City: How Food Shapes Our Lives
  78. In-Game: From Immersion to Incorporation
  79. iCity. Transformative Research for the Livable, Intelligent, and Sustainable City (Open Access)
  80. Infrastructure, Wellbeing and the Measurement of Happiness
  81. Innovation: Third Edition (board game)
  82. Innovation Tournaments: Creating and Selecting Exceptional Opportunities
  83. Institute for Sensible Transport
  84. IoT for Sustainable Smart Cities and Society (Internet of Things)
  85. Jan Gehl: First life, then spaces, then buildings (podcast)
  86. Life Between Buildings, Using Public Space (Jan Gehl)
  87. Keeping the Lights on Downtown in America's Small Cities
  88. Making Democracy Fun
  89. Making Games for Impact
  90. Mass Transit: The Cooperative Transportation Game (card game)
  91. Measuring Public Space: The Star Model
  92. Mismatch: How Inclusion Shapes Design
  93. MIT Partnership for Systems Approaches to Safety and Security (STAMP, STPA and CAST)
  94. Naked City: The Death and Life of Authentic Urban Places
  95. New City Life (Jan Gehl)
  96. New City Spaces (Jan Gehl)
  97. Observe, Collect, Draw!: A Visual Journal
  98. Open Data: All You Want To Know About Open Data
  99. Open Space Technology: A User's Guide
  100. Orchestration Graphs: Modeling Scalable Education
  101. Planet of Slums
  102. Planning for Public Transport Accessibility: An International Sourcebook
  103. Planning the Portland Urban Growth Boundary: The Struggle to Transform Trend City
  104. Plans and Situated Actions: The Problem of Human-Machine Communication
  105. Pipeline (board game)
  106. Policing Doesn’t End Homelessness. Supportive Housing Does.
  107. Portland: Turning the Dial To Equity (How Far?)
  108. Post-socialist Cities and the Urban Common Good (Perspectives on Urban Growth, Innovation and Change)
  109. Productive Workplaces: Dignity, Meaning, and Community in the 21st Century, 3rd edition
  110. Public Spaces, Public Life (Jan Gehl)
  111. Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership, 7th edition
  112. Rethinking Urban Transport After Modernism: Lessons from South Africa
  113. Ride the Rails (game)
  114. RISE (game)
  115. Rules of Rules of Play, The Game Design Reader
  116. Seeing With Fresh Eyes: Meaning, Space, Data, Truth
  117. Smart & Beautiful City (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
  118. Smart City (City of Bellevue, WA, USA)
  119. Smart City PDX (City of Portland, OR, USA)
  120. Smart Cities: Introducing Digital Innovation to Cities
  121. Smart Cities and Smart Governance: Towards the 22nd Century Sustainable City
  122. Smart Cities Library
  123. Smart Governance for Cities: Perspectives and Experiences
  124. Smart Master Planning for Cities: Case Studies on Digital Innovations
  125. Smart Mobility (City of Bellevue, WA, USA)
  126. Smart Urban Growth for China (Illustrated Edition)
  127. Smoke: the movie (first 18 minutes)
  128. Social Housing in Europe (Scanlon)
  129. Social Justice and the City
  130. Society 5.0: A People-centric Super-smart Society (Amazon)
  131. Society 5.0: A People-centric Super-smart Society (Open Access)
  132. Society 5.0: Industry of the Future, Technologies, Methods and Tools
  133. Society 5.0: Smart Future Towards Enhancing the Quality of Society
  134. Spatial Network Analysis for Multi-modal Urban Transport Systems (SNAMUTS)
  135. Speed & Scale: An Action Plan for Solving Our Climate Crisis Now
  136. Sprawl Repair Manual
  137. Strategic Reframing: The Oxford Scenario Planning Approach
  138. Street Data: A Next-Generation Model for Equity, Pedagogy, and School Transformation
  139. Streetfilms
  140. Suburban Nation: The Rise of Sprawl and the Decline of the American Dream
  141. Sustainable Cities: Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and the Rise of Green, "Cy-phy" Cities
  142. Systems Thinking in the Public Sector
  143. Tahanan Supportive Housing Development
  144. The Accidental City: Improvising New Orleans
  145. The Accidental Ecosystem: People and Wildlife in American Cities
  146. The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses, 3rd Edition
  147. The Architecture of Trees
  148. The Cascadia Innovation Corridor: Advancing a Cross-Border Economy
  149. The City of Ember: The First Book of Ember (The Instructions)
  150. The Data Literacy Series
  151. The Death and Life of Great American Cities 
  152. The Economy of Cities (Jane Jacobs)
  153. The Energy Switch
  154. The Good Life (Waldinger)
  155. The Human Scale (video)
  156. The Image of the City
  157. The Just City
  158. The Life and Death of Ancient Cities: A Natural History
  159. The Life-Sized City
  160. The Nature of Cities
  161. The Plan of Chicago
  162. The Practice of Everyday Life, third edition
  163. The Price of Government: Getting the Results We Need in an Age of Permanent Fiscal Crisis
  164. The Pruitt-Igoe Myth (video)
  165. The Pyramid Principle: Logic in Writing and Thinking, 3/e (Barbara Minto)
  166. The Reluctant Metropolis: The Politics of Urban Growth in Los Angeles
  167. The Responsive City: Engaging Communities Through Data-Smart Governance
  168. The Responsive House
  169. The Smart Enough City
  170. The Spatial Web: How web 3.0 will connect humans, machines and AI to transform the world
  171. The Thin Book of Appreciative Inquiry
  172. The Timeless Way of Building
  173. The Urban Cliff Revolution
  174. The Urban Growth Machine
  175. The 17 Goals | Sustainable Development (United Nations)
  176. Three Revolutions: Steering Automated, Shared, and Electric Vehicles to a Better Future, 2nd Edition
  177. Thinking Outside the Building: How Advanced Leaders Can Change the World One Smart Innovation at a Time
  178. This Is Service Design Doing
  179. This Is Service Design Methods
  180. This is Service Design Thinking: Basics, Tools, Cases
  181. Total Housing: Alternatives to Urban Sprawl
  182. Towards a Future Where Everyone Protects Global Commons (Figure 2)
  183. Transforming City Governments for Successful Smart Cities
  184. Transport and Climate Change
  185. 12 best ways to get cars out of cities
  186. Untamed Urbanisms
  187. Urban Growth in American Cities
  188. Urban Play: Make-Believe, Technology, and Space
  189. Urban Sprawl (Current Controversies)
  190. Visual and Statistical Thinking: Displays of Evidence for Making Decisions
  191. Visualizing the Street: New Practices of Documenting, Navigating and Imagining the City
  192. We Are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast
  193. We transformed a London borough into a game to get fewer people traveling by car
  194. Why did Pruitt-Igoe Fail?
  195. Wood in the Landscape: A Practical Guide to Specification and Design (Winterbottom)